My Beauty Uniform: Krissie Garland

Krissie Garland never saw herself becoming a world traveler. But working as a visual manager for H&M (she’s in charge of making those mannequins look so cool!) ignited her wanderlust. She now lives in Shanghai and fully embraces the expat lifestyle. Ahead, Krissie tells us how living abroad sparked her mask obsession and shares a … Continue reading My Beauty Uniform: Krissie Garland

Krissie Garland never saw herself becoming a world traveler. But working as a visual manager for H&M (she’s in charge of making those mannequins look so cool!) ignited her wanderlust. She now lives in Shanghai and fully embraces the expat lifestyle. Ahead, Krissie tells us how living abroad sparked her mask obsession and shares a surprising mascara tip…


How did you start working abroad?
I’ve worked for H&M for more than 10 years. I started as a merchandiser in L.A. and worked my way up the ranks until H&M asked me to open a store in Mexico. The funny thing is, my whole life I’d never thought about leaving America; it never even crossed my mind. But after my three-year stint in Mexico, I didn’t feel the need to go back. Now that we’re all getting older, my friends at home are starting families; everyone has their own lives. Since I’m not interested in the settling down scenario, I was like, I am just going to go with this. And I took a job in Shanghai.


What did other women in your life teach you about beauty?
There’s one random lesson that I thank the beauty gods for quite often. My friend, who is a makeup artist in L.A., told me that I should apply mascara to damp lashes, right after I wash my face. There’s an even application without clumps, and my lashes have never looked longer.

Thank you, Krissie!

P.S. More women share their beauty uniforms, and cool hoop earrings.

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